Naglfar - Blades (текст песни)

your final moon sets

on this night you shall die!

your pathetic merciful god, where is he now?

he didn′t listen to your cryвђ¦

we will come to you like thieves in the night

to extinct, to erase you

filled with pure darkened wrath

filled with passion to murder

sons and daughters of christ

on the night of all nights die!

feel the kiss of the scythe

in your horror-filled eyes it gleams bright

you will fall to your knees

call to god for salvation

raped by blades straight from hell

behold satans creation!

as you drown in the dark

feel the pain, feel the torture

you got quenched by the scythe

by the powers of death′s might

we will come to you like thieves in the night

to extinct, to erase you

raped by blades straight from hell

filled with passion to murder

sons and daughters of christ

of the night of all nights die!

you got quenched by the scythe

by the powers of death′s might

your final moon sets, now you know you will die

face our powerful bloodstained blades

meet your maker? no!

we will send you straight to hell

(c) naglfar

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