Oblivion Dust - No Regrets (текст песни)

i did myself damage, i know i did it by myself yeah
filled myself with rubbish, i know i did it, i did it
i did all this and more and wondered who to blame
but i can′t pretend anymore, i did the damaging

this bad position that i′m in, i′m twisted and i′m bent and i′m 360
created so much regret
i don′t know baby, but it′s all gone funny, it′s all gone honey

no regrets
i′ve been asleep and now i′m wide awake
no regrets
i don′t apologize for what i did or anything i′ve ever said

bang baby hit the core
yeah maybe they don′t know
damn baby instant glow
do what you will and go
bang baby now i′m dead
lip bullet in my head
damn baby don′t you care
that i′m puking with my friend

over here you son of a bitch
i′d like a word in your ear
let me make it clear
how little i want to hear
that you think i should be repentful
i′m resentful of the implication
my station in life has always been my own creation

never regret the things i did to get me what i got
got everything i′ll ever need but easy it was not
but she′s my reason for being alive
and well not dwelling in hell
where i fell and well what brought me here it is the story i tell

i lick my cuts when i bleed ′till it coagulates
rejecting the pain till it leaves, it emigrates
back on my feet again falling into the groove
making up for lost time
picking up missed moves

all i′m going to do is keep doing what i do
all you need to know is that i still think you′re a fool
never be taking to letting you get to me breaking me down like that
bring it on, be bringing the pain
and i will just kick back

no regrets
i′ve been asleep and now i′m wide awake
no regrets
i don′t apologize for what i did (do you hear what i...)

bang baby hit the core
yeah maybe they don′t know
damn baby instant glow
do what you will and go
bang baby now i′m dead
lip bullet in my head
damn baby don′t you care
that i′m puking all over you

so fucking sorry

(comin′ around again!)
bang baby yeah yeah
damn baby yeah yeah
bang baby yeah yeah
damn baby yeah yeah

no regrets
no regrets

(c) oblivion dust

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