Oceana - Devil Walk, God Walk (Heaven Walk, Hell Walk) (текст песни)

for those who mean it,
your skin will be cleaned.
the scales you have shed for the family disease wash the salt away from you palms.
you′re sweating it out.
i beg for the taste of it,
believing in him.
devil the fear of you in me,
delivering the failures that made me believe there′s no life worth living,
our children will leave.
we′ll separate the family disease.
we′ll create if we′re dead.
we′ll believe.
guard them demon,
let them be headed.
kill them, burn them,
we′ll be left seedless men.

it was diseased,
i was left just to see it.
the rotting flesh.
my teeth were all broken from feeding.
i found a bette love.
as i aged, it progressed and i left.
it′s not over till it′s over i said.

found myself with a cheap mask in hand.
drowned out.
birth has it′s hands reached out to welcome the sound of hell.
open your eyes child,
breathe now.
but don′t move your mouth.
all of my heartless life i die
my voice will change when i start to smile.
my mind gets eaten away.
our children die.
wash the salt from your palms you′re sweating it out.
i beg for the taste of it.
all of our sons and our daughters are dead,
and the birth that we stole,
the eater grows old

(c) oceana

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