OK Go - Do What You Want (текст песни)

so you were born in an electrical storm, took a bite out the sun and saw your future in a machine
for two. now your rays make me kind of go crazy, shock and awe and amaze me, just a ticker tape
parade and
me, but something was wrong till you tap danced on the air, in the night. screaming at the top of
lungs, you said, "come on, come on. do what you want. what could go wrong? oh come on come on
come on,
come on, do what you want. oh come on come on. what could go wrong? do do do do what you want."
come on.
me, i was raised amid the trickle-down days. i woke up numb in the haze and saw my future machine
for two, but the light gave me some kind of fright. how did wrong get so right and lead me stumbling

through the dark of night? oh something was wrong, but you tap danced on the air, in the night,
at the top of your lungs you said, "come on, come on. do what you want. what could go wrong? oh
come on
come on come on, come on, do what you want. oh come on come on. what could go wrong? do do do do
what you
want." come on

(c) ok go

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