One Direction - Act My Age (текст песни)

one, two, three, four
when i′m fat and old and my kids think i′m a joke
′cause i move a little slow when i dance
i can count on you after all that we′ve been through
′cause i know that you′ll always understand

i won′t act my age, no i won′t act my age
no, i′ll still feel the same around you

when i′m fat and old and my kids think i′m a joke
′cause the stories that i told, i tell again and again
i can count on you after all we got up to
′cause i know that you truly understand

i won′t act my age, no i won′t act my age
no, i′ll still feel the same around you
i won′t act my age, no i won′t act my age
no, i′ll still feel the same and you will too

when i can hardly walk and my hair is falling out
we′ll still stay up till morning
we′ll throw an after-party, oh yeah, oh yeah

i won′t act my age, no i won′t act my age
no, i′ll still feel the same around you
i won′t act my age, no i won′t act my age
no, i′ll still feel the same and you will too

(c) one direction

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