Page & Plant - Heart In Your Hand (текст песни)

do you gather flowers for me

moving softly through the trees

with the scent against your arms

long ago i knew your charms

as i walk through the purple hills of

soon forgotten

know that my heart was in your hand

and my heart was in your hand

do your lips still call my name

would your mouth still taste the same

there i learned the sweetest words

oh! what price of mercy

yeahthough i steal all across the years

the memory lingers on

with my heart in your hand

ohmy heart in your hand

should i fall beside the road

everlasting wandering soul

and the memory sublime

and my heart was there

yeahas i walk through the purple hills of

long ago

i know my heart was in your hand

ohmy heart was in your hand

my heart is in your hand

oh my heart

(c) page & plant

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