Pain - Clouds Of Ecstasy (текст песни)

pushing forty, cracks on her skin
needs to get out, she′s ready for sin
all dressed up and no one to blow...
she′s so low

silicon tits and silicon lips
grammy awards and playing your tricks
let the champagne flow
and powder your nose

walking the white line of fantasy
glamorous life is all you seek
living in hollywood make believe
lost in the clouds of ecstasy

silicon tits and silicon lips
grammy awards and playing your tricks
let the champagne flow
and powder your nose

walking the white line of fantasy
glamorous life is all you seek
living in hollywood make believe
lost in the clouds of ecstasy

feel it, it′s knocking on your door
the parasite is ready to strike
digging for gold

walking the white line of fantasy
glamorous life is all you seek
living in hollywood make believe
lost in the clouds of ecstasy

(c) pain

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