Papa Roach - Harder Than A Coffin Nail (текст песни)

god bless the coffin they carry me off in
god bless the coffin they carry me off in
they carry me off in

i’ve walked amongst the living dead
and i’m sick of the voices that are in my head
i’ve taken the ride and i’ve danced with death
i had nine lives and i’ve got one left

cause i’ve got what you want
you′ve got what i need
let’s get together and keep me forever
yeah waaaaaaahh!

i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell
i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell

i never thought i’d need someone’s help
(i don’t need your help)

‘cause i’ll handle it all and do it by myself
(i’ll do this by myself)

i′m never alone ‘till i hit rock bottom
(i’m not afraid to fall)

i’m so fucking stubborn and so fucking rotten
(hit the bottom)

cause i’ve got what you want
you′ve got what i need
let’s get together and keep me forever
yeah waaaaaaahh!

i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell
i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell

god bless the coffin they carry me off in...
god bless the coffin they carry me off in...

cause i’ve got what you want
you′ve got what i need
let’s get together and keep me forever
yeah waaaaaaahh!

i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell
i’m harder than a coffin nail
i’ve been to heaven; i’ve been to hell

god bless the coffin they carry me off in!
god bless the coffin they carry me off in!

(c) papa roach

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