Papa Roach - What Do You Do? (текст песни)

i got a one-way ticker on a hell-bound train
with nothing to lose and nothing to gain
nobody ever taught me how to live
i′m feeling like i′m lost- like i′ll never be found
i′m twisted and i′m turned around
nobody ever taught me how to love
i′m hurting everybody i′m hurting myself
i′m desperate
so what do you do
when it all comes down on you?
do you run and hide
or face the truth?
if you were to tell me that i′d die today
this is what i′d have to say
i never really had the time to live
and if you were to give me just another chance
another life, another dance
all i really want to do is love
i′m hurting everybody
i′m hurting myself
i′m desperate
when all is said and done you could be the one
with open arms and open eyes
you′re jumping off the edge and hoping you can fly
accept your fate for what it is
into the great unknown a one-way ticket on a hell-bound train
with nothing to lose and nothing to gain...

(c) papa roach

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