Scorpions - Living For Tomorrow (текст песни)

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today

let′s make this world
a better place to live
stop to take
start to give
love′s got the power
to get it done
to stop the pain
of a killing gun

and even if you say
we′re gonna die today

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
cause love will find a way my friend
whatever it will take

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
why don′t we try today my friend
to make this world a better place

let′s make this life
a better life to live
stop to hate
learn to forgive
evil power can kill
the human race
if we give life
a human face (a human face)

and even if you say
we′re gonna die today

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
cause love will find a way my friend
whatever it will take

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
why don′t we try today my friend
to make this world a better place (a better place)

and even if you say
we′re gonna die today

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
cause love will find a way my friend
whatever it will take

i′m still living for tomorrow
i′m living for today
why don′t we try today my friend
to make this world a better place

i′m still living for tomorrow

(c) scorpions

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