Smash - Don′t look back (текст песни)

you want release
but you relieve each moment
now he′s gone
and he′s just gonna keep on going
but i′m here and i′m staying
i′m hoping and praying
that you′ll leave that world behind
cause i want you to be all mine

don′t look back
the past is just a closing door
and you don′t need to go there anymore
what we have
is deep and wide
as your brow eyes
and i can see forever in your smile
don′t look back

we′ve all been there
when heartbreak′s got your back against the wall
it′s unfair
but love is what we live for
and i′m here and i′m praying
you′ll see what i′m saying
when you leave that world behind
you′ll become a part of mine

don′t look back
the past is just a closing door
and you don′t need to go there anymore
what we have
is deep and wide
as your brow eyes
and i can see forever in your smile
don′t look back

this i know for sure
the past is just a closing door

don′t look back
the past is just a closing door
and you don′t need to go there anymore
what we have
is deep and wide
as your brow eyes
and i can see forever in your smile
don′t look back

(c) smash

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