Snow Patrol - Lifeboats (текст песни)

hold on, hold on, let me get the words out before i burst
there′s no truth at all, poking at the giant eyes of ancient gods
cool hats have failed, now it′s time for me to have my turn
kiss me, kiss me, life is far too short to scream and shout

flashed up in my wildest dreams, like red blood streams, stretch up like vast skies
the veins of you, the veins of me, like gold forest trees
pushing through and on and in
gliding like a satellite in the broken night
and when i wake you′re there i′m saved
your love is life piled tight and high set against the sky
that seems to balance on its own

sing out sing out the silence only eats us from the inside up
i meant no harm but i only get to say these words too late
wake up wake up dreaming only leads to more and more nightmares
snap out of it you said it in a wy that showed you really cared.

(c) snow patrol

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