Sophie Ellis-Bextor - By Chance (текст песни)

take this down
turn it around
i am water underneath a bridge
so? what do i know?
getting here must be a privilege
should say something meaningful
if at all
just to fill the air
or, believe i adore you
love you if i dare
by chance
when i turn out the light
i′m finding the right line
by chance
i could put this to right not in the rest of this lifetime
let it slide
always inside
isn′t worth the indecision i hide
so, nowhere to go
stimulating no illusion
i should say something pivotal
how you let me down
or, believe i adore you
love me if you dare
by chance
when i turn out the light
i′m finding the right line
by chance
i could put this to right
not in the rest of this lifetime no, no
look at you going places
see two faces
i know which to trace
i would be holding my breath but things will stay the same won′t they
oh, i know

(c) sophie ellis-bextor

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