Staind - Tangled Up In You (текст песни)

you′re my world
the shelter from the rain
you′re the pills
that take away my pain
you′re the light
that helps me find my way
you′re the words
when i have nothing to say

and in this world
where nothing else is true
here i am
still tangled up in you
i′m still tangled up in you
still tangled up in you

you′re the fire
that warms me when i′m cold
you′re the hand
i have to hold as i grow old
you′re the shore
when i am lost at sea
you′re the only thing
that i like about me

and in this world
where nothing else is true
here i am
still tangled up in you
i′m still tangled up in you

how long has it been
since this storyline began
and i hope it never ends
and goes like this forever

in this world
where nothing else is true
here i am
still tangled up in you
tangled up in you
i′m still tangled up in you
still tangled up in you

(c) staind

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