Trivium - Entrance Of The Conflagration (текст песни)

a common woman
lives by the bible
wed-locked a prison
of antiquation
brings life to the earth
by losing her mind
trying suicide
hallucinating satan

forcing her own blood down
beneath the waters to drown
lying dead with eyes wide open

spiraling downward
refusing all help
neglects the children
dagger licks her neck
desiring escape
succumbing satan
robbed by the seventh deadly sin

forcing her own blood down
beneath the waters to drown
lying dead with eyes wide open
believing satan was inside
ordering to abide
to destroy her cursed children

entrance of the conflagration
entrance of the conflagration


[solo: corey, matt]

conditions worsen
searching for answers
in holy scriptures
systematic plan
water fills the tub
all of her children
floating lifelessly
innocence chased down and drowned

forcing her own blood down
beneath the waters to drown
lying dead with eyes wide open
believing satan was inside
ordering to abide
to destroy her cursed children

(c) trivium

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