US5 - too much heaven (текст песни)

nobody gets too much heaven no more
it′s much harder to come by
i′m waiting in line

nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as high as a mountain
and harder to climb

oh you and me girl
got a lot of love in store
and it flows through you
and it flows through me
and i love you so much more

than my life..
i can see beyond forever
ev′rything we are will never die

loving′s such a beautiful thing
oh you make my world..
a summer day
are you just a dream to fade away

nobody gets too much heaven no more
it′s much harder to come by
i′m waiting in line

nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as high as a mountain
and harder to climb

you and me girl got a highway to the sky
we can turn away from the night and day
and the tears you had to pay

you′re my life..
i can see a new tomorrow
ev′rything we are will never die
loving′s such a beautiful thing

when you are to me, the light above
made for all to see our prescious love
love is such a beautiful thing

nobody gets too much heaven no more
it′s much harder to come by
i′m waiting in line

nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as high as a mountain
and harder to climb

you make my world a summer day
are you just a dream to fade away
nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as wide as a river and harder to cross

nobody gets too much heaven no more
it′s much harder to come by
i′m waiting in line

nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as high as a mountain
and harder to climb

and it flows through you
and it flows through me
and i love you so much more

nobody gets too much heaven no more
it′s much harder to come by
i′m waiting in line

nobody gets too much love anymore
it′s as high as a mountain
and harder to climb

(c) us5

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