Vanessa Williams - 2 Of A Kind (текст песни)

you struck me like lightning
turned my world upside down
when i first laid my eyes on you
this feeling′s really frightening
cuz it seems to me i′ve found
the perfect man of all for me to choose
used to dream of such a man like you
never thought it would come true
boy you are the answer to my prayers

i never felt like this before and
you have opened up the door
into a space that i would never dare

cuz you give my life a meaning
and this love we have together
is lifting my heart to a higher ground
i was searching, seeking, finding
love came out from its hiding
and baby, i′m so pleased at what i found

the way you seem to be, the only one for me
this love is truly special, we′re 2 of a kind
i′ve got you on my mind, we′re 2 of a kind

this heart of mine is beating inside my chest
and baby, it′s you that i adore
the nights we spend together are by far the best
that any woman could be wishing for
we′re lucky baby it′s like that
this ain′t no opposites atract
you make up for all the bad in me

so when days of trouble come around
you know i′d never let you down
right by your side is where i want to be

cuz you give my life a meaning
and this love we have together
is lifting my heart to a higher ground
i was searching, seeking, finding
love came out from its hiding
and baby, i′m so pleased at what i found

the way you seem to be, the only one for me
this love is truly special, we′re 2 of a kind
i′ve got you on my mind, we′re 2 of a kind

(c) vanessa williams

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