We Are Scientists - Callbacks Under The Sea (текст песни)

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i think that i should probably leave right now
′cause i′m already kinda sweaty and freakin′ out
i gotta time-bomb headache that′s ticking down
i guess that everything is better when i′m not around

it′s all outta context {aaaah}
there′s nothing i′m into
call it a complex {aaaah}
it′s really quite simple
i′m tired of these hang ups {aaaah}
i wish someone would call me back
how ′bout it?

well my tongue is tired and i′m seeing stars
i got a million ugly words for what you are
i gotta busted back and a broken heart
i guess everything is better wherever you are

it′s all outta context {aaaah}
there′s nothing i′m into
call it a complex {aaaah}
it′s really quite simple
i′m tired of these hang ups {aaaah}
i wish someone would call me back
how ′bout it?

it′s all about context {aaaah}
there′s nothing i′m into
call it a complex {aaaah}
it′s really quite simple
i′m tired of these hang ups {aaaah}
i wish someone would call me back

i said that i′m so sorry to bring you down {aaaah}
i guess that everything′s better when i′m not around {aaaah}

(c) we are scientists

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