White Lies - Farewell To The Fairground (текст песни)

lights still in our eyes, we′re leaving this whole fairground behind, it′s a dream that′s going

circus never dies, the act forever haunts these skies, i know we cannot stay.

farewell to the fairground, these rides aren′t working anymore.
goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

this place used to gleam, i see it in my hopeful dreams, now i had to get away.
we move towards the stars, and all that we touch becomes ours, lets keep warm till it′s day.

farewell to the fairground, these rides aren′t working anymore.
goodbye to this dead town, until the ice begins to thaw.

we′ll head south, just hold my hand now. i feel like i′m casting off my clothes and i′m running
through the snow towards the sunset and i′m always with you.

keep on running, keep keep on running, there′s no place like home, there′s no place like home.

farewell to the fairground, these rides aren′t working anymore. goodbye to this dead town, until the
ice begins to thaw.

we′ll head south, just hold my hand now, i feel like i′m casting off my clothes, and i′m running
through the snow towards the sunset, where i′m always with you

(c) white lies

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