White Zombie - Creature Of The Wheel (текст песни)

alone against the world
twist a reckless life - straight
into the heart of the ripper -
trick of treat my mind to
a rebel ride - heldorado
move like a monster

creature of the wheel
trigger wicked way -
tangle like a web
beneath me
ankle-deep in hell
through another way crucify the sky above me
new god kill machine
and man say lord of the
engines - yeah

pocket full of dirt - frozen
in my hands - hold on to
the nameless
god yeah
into the deep
and dying light
of day - overdose
on bloody wings

splinter in the
skin turn your
eyes away - sick and
swaggering - beneath me
revolution mind ye of
little faith
rusty and dull
cut me
new god kill machine
and man say lord
of the engines

and o′ brothers and sisters
i ask you to look at him. does
he have the marks? do you see
them? no.

demon-paper clowns
stitched across my back
easygoing dead black eyes
microscopic giants on a chicken
run - everybody dies laughing

thrust into the drag on the
edge and wait motivate the one
inside you bastard kicker burn
blow the ash away - heldorado
gonna get you - get you
get you - get you

(c) white zombie

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