Whitney Houston - He′s all over me (текст песни)

he′s all over me
and he′s keeping me alive
he′s all over me
and he′s keeping me alive
he′s all over me
and he′s keeping me alive
i know he is keeping me alive
he′s keeping me aliveverse 1
he′s in my hands, he′s in my feet
i can hardly keep my seat
he′s in my sprit, in my soul
i will never grow old
he′s in my heart, he′s in my mind
i′m glad that he′s mine
he′s all over me, and he′s keeping me alive
i know he is keeping me alive
he′s keeping me alive
verse 2
like the hebrew boys, thrown in the fiery furnace
everybody thought it was over for them
but the lord brought them out on time
he′s the firm foundation
the god of all creation
there′s nothing that he won′t do for you
if you trust him he′ll see you through
repeat verse 2
repeat verse 1
he′s on my right, he′s on my left
he′s in my front and back
he′s over me and he′s even by my side

(c) whitney houston

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