Zeromancer - God Bless The Models (текст песни)

love love love
makes you blind blind
lies lies lies
tear you down

plenty of time when you′re dead
to be the perfect girl
there′s plenty of room in your bed
to make a perfect world

out of a fucked up head
comes a perfect girl
out of a fucked up head
one perfect world
i want to fall a million floors
i′m gonna breathe through open poors
i′m gonna scream out open doors
god bless the models

time time time
makes you learn learn
that love love love
you will have to earn

out of a fucked up head
comes a perfect word
out of a fucked up head
comes a perfect world

i want to fall a million floors
i′m gonna scream through open doors
you′ll make the headlines when you die
god bless the models

out of a fucked up head
comes a world of lust and greed
out of a fucked up head
comes a life of luxury

i′m gonna be there when you die
don′t cry
cause god bless
the slave slave slave to fashion

(c) zeromancer

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