Список текстов песен confide

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Текст песни:

I sit here, Looking on, Towards this light, In your eyes
Hypnotized, Memorized, Awkward silence, Was the sign
Stoned to death, Failed to please, Sinking in, Murder
I′ll die, In time, This time, I′ll die

Save me from this nothing

Why, won′t you let, go, I′m killing myself through my senses
Why, why won′t you, let go, I′m killing myself through you

Why wont you try?

Dont let this sadness take you
Youve crossed this desert of shattered hopes
If you die Ill have nothing, dont leave me alone
I wont let you, drown in yourself

Please try. Move or youll die, drown in lies. Why

Dont let this sadness take you.

They gave me a sign as I looked in their eyes. Their eyes

Call my name
Your lifes in my voice and Ill try. I′ll try

The nothing cant stop me now
Nothing can stop me now

Nothing can stop me now
Nothing, nothing can stop me
Nothing, he died in your eyes
Nothing, nothing can stop me

@ Confide


Текст песни:

Spread out, Spread apart, lets tell the world.
Theres something thats burning through my skin. I′m going to reach the ends of this ground
Everybody needs to know. We won′t be silent this time.
We′re going to love like you′ve never seen, like you′ve never seen.

"Dancer, Dancer, keep your feet in time and inside the lines"

Everybody is starting to wonder what I′m talking about.
How can I explain this?
My God, explain yourself

Times running out and this feeling is getting way too old.
I can say I believe every word you said. I always got what I wanted.
It never hit so hard, I′ve never been so unexpectant. I couldn′t stop this if I tried.

"Dancer, Dancer, keep your feet in time and inside the lines"

We′re moving forward, We′re not looking back and we won′t be stopped. Shout the truth. Shout the

@ Confide


Текст песни:

Walk this thin red line of life
Forgive the choice your soul has given
These falling tears
Run down mother Marys face
This rude awakening
Will let you know you always cared
But now
Your love

Waking up to the memory of you
My body is numb
You werent there
Until you were gone
Until you were

In My Arms

Waking up to the memory of you
My body is numb
You werent there
Until you were gone
Untill you
We miss you

@ Confide


Текст песни:

The great wall that stands between the lost and the seen and the lies we let sink in.

What is this? We′ve broken the trust of a fallen man. So quick to pick you up but quicker to put you
down. No actions have been thought through by the both of us now. Can we wait to see if they ever

I am the words when you are silent. I am the comfort when you′re gone. I am the thought behind your
actions. I′m on the end of your last breath.

I can be whoever you want me to. I can be...

I won′t compromise this time. You can′t take what′s mine.

Give in now, I can never forget the things you said. I′ll look to where I′m known the most for my
escape. They won′t stop buying your smile they wont stop they wont stop.

I am the words when you are silent. I am the comfort when you′re gone. I am the thought behind your
actions. I′m on the end of your last breath.

I can be whoever you want me to. I can be...

Your eyes can wait, what do they want to see? If I walk away from everything would that be it? You
caught me living my life as someone else.I am the words when you are silent. I am the comfort when
you′re gone. I am the thought behind your actions. I′m on the end of your last breath

@ Confide


Текст песни:

The gun is covered
Until exposed by the truth
This bullet inked with greed
From the gluttons heart
In tongues he spoke

He cried out with pride
Saved with that of envy
Bathed in lust
Desire of you purified by hate

Die With me
Everything I know
Everything I know has killed you
The anger in your heart will not go


When will you hear
The shrieking of your shameful heart
That death has claimed many for his own

@ Confide


Текст песни:

Honestly, were you sleeping?
Reach out, touch me now
Where can I take my dirt filled head?
Where can I take my past where no one can see?
I′m at the foot of your cross but I′m a wreck.
Im stumbling, I cant see straight.

Will you still love me when, I am selfish and
I never seem to show you my face?

I need to ask,
What is the name of God on my lips?
Is there something I missed?
I′m holding on by my fingertips
I need to ask,
What is the name of God on my lips?
Is there something I missed?
I′m holding on, I′m holding on

I should know where to draw the line,
But sometimes I get dragged and I
Can′t face the consequence.
I want to see the world through your eyes
I want to see how hurt you are
I want to take out my insides,
And burry the bad in the earth

Is there a stone around my neck?
Am I somewhere else instead?
Is there a stone around my neck?
Am I somewhere else instead?

Will you still love me when,
I am selfish and
I never seem to show you my face?

I need to ask,
what is the name of God on my lips?
Is there something I missed?
I′m holding on by my fingertips
I need to ask,
what is the name of God on my lips?
Is there something I missed?
I′m holding on, I′m holding on

I′ll sit for hours until
I can′t think anymore,
About the world we live in without love
But you′re still here

Is there a stone around my neck?
Am I somewhere else instead?
Is there a stone around my neck?
Am I somewhere else?

@ Confide


Текст песни:

I am thinking it′s a sign that the freckles
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they′re perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
True, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you′re away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home

They will see us waving from such great
Heights, ′come down now,′ they′ll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
′come down now,′ but we′ll stay...

I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
That frankly will not fly. You will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home

They will see us waving from such great
Heights, ′come down now,′ they′ll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
′come down now,′ but we′ll stay...

Come down. Down.

They will see us waving from such great
Heights, ′come down now,′ they′ll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
′come down now,′ but we′ll stay...

@ Confide


Текст песни:

So let′s piece things together from now on one by one
I′m hoping you know the way, because I′m so alone
Taking what you have for granted is a mistake you always made.
I′m hoping you know the way, I′m so alone

Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.
Can you do this without me?
Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.
Can you do this without me?
Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.

You′re there everytime
You′re there for everything

Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.
Can you do this without me?
Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.
Can you do this without me?
Just know, I′m relieved, things are clear
my feet are where they should be.

My God, I can see clearly why I′m calling you
I can see clearly why I need you

@ Confide


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