Confide - Millstone (текст песни)

honestly, were you sleeping?
reach out, touch me now
where can i take my dirt filled head?
where can i take my past where no one can see?
i′m at the foot of your cross but i′m a wreck.
im stumbling, i cant see straight.

will you still love me when, i am selfish and
i never seem to show you my face?

i need to ask,
what is the name of god on my lips?
is there something i missed?
i′m holding on by my fingertips
i need to ask,
what is the name of god on my lips?
is there something i missed?
i′m holding on, i′m holding on

i should know where to draw the line,
but sometimes i get dragged and i
can′t face the consequence.
i want to see the world through your eyes
i want to see how hurt you are
i want to take out my insides,
and burry the bad in the earth

is there a stone around my neck?
am i somewhere else instead?
is there a stone around my neck?
am i somewhere else instead?

will you still love me when,
i am selfish and
i never seem to show you my face?

i need to ask,
what is the name of god on my lips?
is there something i missed?
i′m holding on by my fingertips
i need to ask,
what is the name of god on my lips?
is there something i missed?
i′m holding on, i′m holding on

i′ll sit for hours until
i can′t think anymore,
about the world we live in without love
but you′re still here

is there a stone around my neck?
am i somewhere else instead?
is there a stone around my neck?
am i somewhere else?

(c) confide

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