Abney Park - Building The Walls (текст песни)

one hundred years ago isn′t long
would you be blamed for another′s wrong
generations claiming retribution
while your poets & your prophets are yelling "execution"

who′s building the walls now?
who′s building the walls now?
i never held you down
i never put you down
i never held you down
let′s be brothers

ten billion people all unique
you′ve only got one thing in common
the color of your cheeks
you put down your brothers who found a way to fit in
it′s survival of the fittest
but you say they′ve betrayed their own kin

who′s building the walls now?
who′s building the walls now?
i never held you down
i never put you down
i never held you down
let′s be brothers

i′ll never say you have no right
but the only cure today is not to fight
hate will not stop hate, i know i′m right
but when you trust a man today whose skin is white

who′s putting the chains on now?
who′s putting the chains on now?
i never held you down
i never put you down
i never held you down
let′s be brothers

(c) abney park

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