Abney Park - Burn (текст песни)

if my life should end and i cannot stay,
i pray that you will find a life with our loves that′s not far away,
please don′t hate me overmuch

burn, go on and burn
burn, i feel the fire

i share a burning desire, temptations pulling me down
i′ve learned to thrive in this fire
and so i stay above ground

but if my love you win the race to die,
i think that i will join you soon
i couldn′t bare a moon shared with none, or with any other one

burn, go on and burn
burn, i feel the fire

i share a burning desire, temptations pulling me down
i′ve learned to thrive in this fire
and so i stay above ground

but if our lives should end and we′ve reached old age,
our pages will be filled with the joy of a girl and a boy in love,
even if the times were tough

burn, go on and burn
burn, i feel the fire

(c) abney park

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