Dope - America the Pitiful (текст песни)

thoughts of prison lying in my head

over visions dosing in my head
i′ve already lost much more than you can take from me

i′ve already lost much more than you will ever be

i don′t need it, you don′t want to fight me
i can see that, you don′t even like me
you don′t even, you don′t want to fight me
man believe it, you ain′t nothin′ like me

i′ve already told you once
god damn stop pushin′ me
i don′t wanna go, i don′t wanna go,
come on let me be

i don′t need it, you don′t want to fight me
i can see that, you don′t even like me
you don′t even, you don′t want to fight me
man believe it, you ain′t nothin′ like me

and we pledge allegiance to a flag
of a country that is fucked in the head

i don′t need it, you don′t want to fight me
i can see that, you don′t even like me
you don′t even, you don′t want to fight me
man believe it, you ain′t nothin′ like me

like eady told you once
god damn stop pushin′ me
i don′t wanna go, i don′t wanna go,
come on let me be

i don′t need it, you don′t want to fight me
i can see that, you don′t even like me
you don′t even, you don′t want to fight me
man believe it, you ain′t nothin′ like me

and we pledge allegiance to a flag
of a country that is fucked in the head

i don′t need it, you don′t want to fight me
i can see that, you don′t even like me
you don′t even, you don′t want to fight me
man believe it, you ain′t nothin′ like me

like me

(c) dope

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