Dope - Intervention (текст песни)

you′d like to take control of me

i′m not how you have hoped i′d be
for what you′re reaching out to me

i′ve got to break this scene goodbye

yeah man i′m doin′ fine
i fucked my chick and did a line
why do you still waste my time
who gives a fuck just what you think

somebody should me there′s a little thing
to take me there
my mother warned me about this little
thing, i don′t care

mind your life, i′ll do the same
go back from where in which you came
you want to try to push your weight
expect a fist right in the face
all your lies and social crimes
and circumstances you deny
give your pigs a special prize
and see them try and blow me away

somebody showed me there′s a little thing
to take me there
my mother warned me about this little
thing, i don′t care

(c) dope

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