Elbow - Grounds For Divorce (текст песни)

mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid

i′ve been working on a cocktail called "grounds for divorce"
polishing a compass that i hold in my sleeve
down comes him on sticks but then he kicks like a horse
there′s a chinese cigarette case and the rest you can keep
and the rest you can keep
and the rest you can keep

there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall
there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall

mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid

there′s this whispering of jokers doing "flesh by the pound"
to a chorus of supporters from the little town halls
there′ll be twisted karaoke at the aniseed lounge
and i′ll bring you further roses but it does you no good
and it does me no good
and it does you no good

there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall
there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall
there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall
there′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late i cannot help but fall

someday we′ll be drinking with the seldom seen kid

(c) elbow

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