Fall Out Boy - Don′t U Know Who I Think I Am (текст песни)

a penny for your thoughts,
but a dollar for your insides,
and a fortune for your disaster,
i′m just a painter...
and i′m drawing a blank.

we only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers;
we need umbrellas on the inside,
get me just right.

they say quitters never win,
but we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
there′s a world outside of my front door,
that gets off on being down.

i could learn to pity fools as i′m the worst of all,
i can′t stop feeling sorry for myself.

we only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers,
we need umbrellas on the inside,
get me just right.

they say quitters never win,
but we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
there′s a world outside of my front door,
that gets off on being down,
they say quitters never win,
but we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
there′s a world outside of my front door,
that gets off on being down.

(we only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers,
we only want to sing you to sleep)

they say quitters never win,
but we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
there′s a world outside of my front door,
that gets off on being down,

we′re broken down on memory lane,
alone together alone,
we′re broken down on memory lane,
alone together alone.

(c) fall out boy

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