Fall Out Boy - Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year (текст песни)

are we growing up or just going down?
it′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
take our tears, put them on ice
cause i swear i′d burn this city down to show you the light

we′re the therapists pumping through your speakers
delivering just what you need
we′re well read and poised
we′re the best boys
we′re the chemists who′ve found the formula
to make your heart swell and burst
no matter what they say, don′t believe a word

cause i′ll keep singing this lie if you′ll keep believing
i′ll keep singing this lie
i′ll keep singing this lie

are we growing up or just going down?
it′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
take our tears, put them on ice
cause i swear i′d burn this city down to show you the light

we′re traveled like gypsies
only with worse luck and far less gold
we′re the kids you used to love
but then we grew old
we′re the lifers here till the bitter end
condemned from the start
ashamed of the way
the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts

cause i′ll keep singing this lie
i′ll keep singing this lie

are we growing up or just going down?
it′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
take our tears, put them on ice
cause i swear i′d burn this city down to show you the light
there′s a drug in the thermostat to warm the room up
and there′s another around to help us bend your trust
i′ve got a sunset in my veins
and i need to take a pill to make this town feel okay

the best part of "believe" is the
i hope you sing along and you steal a line
i need to keep you like this in my mind
so give in or just give up

are we growing up or just going down?

are we growing up or just going down?
it′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
take our tears, put them on ice
cause i swear i′d burn this city down to show you the light

(c) fall out boy

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