Family Force 5 - How In The World (текст песни)

verse 1:
stepping out on my own
the world was too big to face alone
the mission was clear
to find something sincere, a love unknown

pre chorus 1:
i searched through all the universe
my heart crash-landed on the earth
i gave up on my love pursuit
until i discovered you

how in the world did i find someone like you
why in the world after all that we′ve been through
if you weren′t here with me right now, then i don′t know what i′d do
in all of the world i found my heart in you

verse 2:
getting ready for take-off
we′re gonna break-off, get out of here
we′ll be walking on air
we′re gonna tear through the atmosphere

pre chorus 2:
faster than the speed of sound
gravity can′t hold us down
when we touch we elevate
let′s just float away

this is the end of the life we once knew
how in the world did i live without you
this is the birth of a love so true
how in the world did i live without you

(c) family force 5

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