Family Force 5 - Radiator (текст песни)

verse 1:
goodbye humans, goodbye earth
i′ve left this place and all its worth
i am transcending space and time
i′m traveling at the speed of light

affection, reflection
this is the new direction
conspiracy is idiocracy
i radiate light′s transparency

pre chorus 1:
we are the chosen nation

hey you, you′re blowing my mind again
out of my skull, i feel the levitation
i feel my skin crawling off of my soul
i feel your radiation

i′ll be a radiator just like you
radiate it on me, burn it on through

i feel the radiation
radiate it on me

verse 2:
hello future, hello birth
this is your newborn universe
there is no longer wrong or right
we have become a source of light

pre chorus 2:
we are extraterrestrial

we are the radiators

(c) family force 5

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