Fastball - All I Was Looking For Was You (текст песни)

when i was a boy, i could not stand the silence
i needed the noise, i was underage and overjoyed
changin′ my ways, but there′s so many ways to change
i′m going up, i′m getting wise, i′m gettin′ strange

all i was lookin′ for was you
all i was lookin′ for was you

i ran my ship into the ground
chasin′ some high and lonesome sound
from venice beach to kathmandu
my money′s gone, my time it flew
all i was lookin′ for was you (all this time, all this time)

some marry for love, some marry for money
dollars and cents, through open arms and barb wire fence
running away, from everything that looks like me
i heard a voice, i saw your face, it set me free

all i was lookin′ for was you
all i was lookin′ for was you

the endless highways i road down
the girls i kissed in every town
midnight on heartbreak avenue
all twisted up on bitches′ brew
all i was lookin′ for was you

running away, from everything that looks like me
i heard a voice, i saw your face, it set me free

all i was lookin′ for was you
all i was lookin′ for was you

the endless highways i road down
the girls i kissed in every town
midnight on heartbreak avenue
all twisted up on bitches′ brew
all i was lookin′ for was you
all i was lookin′ for was you (all this time)

i learned the words, i sang the song
then i got lost in babylon (all this time)
i ran my ship into the ground
chasin′ some high and lonesome sound
the lies i told to get me through
nobody knows me like you do
all i was lookin′ for was you

(c) fastball

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