Fastball - How Did I Get Here? (текст песни)

how did i get here
lyin′ in the sunshine
all i have is tears
watch them as they fall
i′m wishing you were here
this was supposed to be a good time
this was supposed to be our year
now there′s nothing after all.

how did i get here
i guess it doesn′t really matter
i try and pass the days
without you on my mind
without you next to me
this is feeling like a bad dream
i′m doin′ it again
i thought about you one more time

i′m sending out a message via satellite
where are you tonight my dear
we′re all missing you right here
we′re lighting you a candle in the dead of night
where are you tonight my dear
we′re all missing you

i′m sending out a message via satellite
where are you tonight my dear
we′re all missing you right
lighting you a candle in the dead of night
where are you tonight my dear
we′re all missing you

how did i get here
lyin′ in the sunshine
all i have is tears
watch them as they fall
how did i get here
i guess it doesn′t really matter
try and pass the day
without you on my mind
without you next to me
this is feeling like a bad dream
now i′m doing it again
i thought about you one more time

(c) fastball

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