L′Ame Immortelle - Another Day (текст песни)

as i sit along the shore
of my wishes and my dreams
my pride lies shattered on the floor
with the fading sunlight beams
but these words, they keep me sane
until the moment you return
where i let go of all the pain
free of anger and concern

thoughts embraced by nothingness
mindwaves passing by so slow
i long for your tender caress
as innocent as young fresh snow
and i feel your warmth and love
as it into me doth flow
i come to only one conclusion
i will never let you go

as the silence fades away
i gather strength for another day
another day i′ve to go through
another day here, without you
to flee from my addiction
i go out, to seek the voices
that speak an empty benediction
of hollow words and empty choices

(c) l′ame immortelle

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