L′Ame Immortelle - Belive In Me (текст песни)

my dedication for the cause
and the wishes i′ve withdrawn
blessed me with nothing but the blame
for friendships lost and virtues gone
my loyalty and honesty
held nothing but decay
blessed me with nothing but the blame
if we had lost our way
why don′t you believe in me
despite the battles we have won
why still sacrifice myself
i have no strength to carry on
the invidia of those surrounding
forges doubts in what i do
and breaks the chains that years have tied
after all that we′ve been through
why don′t you believe in me
despite the battles we have won
why still sacrifice myself
i have no strength to carry on
why don′t you believe in me
despite the battles we have won
why still sacrifice myself
i have no strength to carry on

(c) l′ame immortelle

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