Naglfar - Into The Cold Voids Of Eternity (текст песни)

a chilling wind grasp my soul as i walk through the twilight gates

choirs of grief are heard from the spirits of the ancient breed

now i know what lies beyond, now i know my fate

to dwell in the fathomless depths of eternity

into the cold voids of eternity

landscapes clad in the frozen veils of dusk

spiritual forests and naked fields - they greet me infernally

and so i saw demonic forces rising from the chasms below

once dreaming but now awake, as they storm out through the gates

bewitched by their splendour i soared with the foul

carried by their demon wings

darkness embraces me, with stygian supremacy

into the cold voids of eternity

witchadorned - chaosspawn - mighty ones grasp this world with hate

scorch the slaves with the flames of your burning eyes

the weak shall mourn and weep as they squirm upon their stakes

pain enthroned in a blaze of everlasting fire

(c) naglfar

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