Oasis - Alive (текст песни)

the people will notice
that the times are changing
it′s just time for now
but not time for good it′s my feelings
that i think you′re training
take them now
if you think you should

you want something for nothing
the higher that you climb
the longer you fall
maybe your time is coming
will you ask to climb
when you find the wall
is it time to doubt?
is it time to wait?
will you be left alone
at the starting gate
i′m not blind
and i do mind
coz i′ve had time
now i′m alive

the people have noticed
that the times are changing
but are they gonna
be something now i think i′ve seen you
all hesitating i think i′ll go
and be something now

you want something for nothing
the higher that you climb
the longer you fall
maybe your time is coming
will you ask to climb
when you find the wall
is it time to doubt?
is it time to wait?
will you be left alone
at the starting gate
i′m not blind
and i do mind
coz i′ve had time
now i′m alive

yeah i′m alive
now i′m alive
yeah i′m alive

(c) oasis

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