Oasis - (As Long As They′ve Got) Cigarettes In Hell (текст песни)

spend you days just walking and shopping
depending on how much you′re luck is in
spend the night-life table-hopping
and trying to keep that bag of bones in trim

i don′t mind not being immortal
′cos it ain′t all that as far as i can tell
i don′t mind not going to heaven
as long as they′ve got cigarettes
as long as they′ve got cigarettes in hell

and by the time we start getting used to it
the dope that′s forming on the windowsill
now we know we′ve got ourselves into
the cage that keeps the mice on the treadmill

i don′t mind not being immortal
′cos it ain′t all that as far as i can tell
i don′t mind not going to heaven
as long as they′ve got cigarettes
as long as they′ve got cigarettes in hell

i don′t mind not being immortal
because it ain′t all that as far as i can tell
i don′t mind not going to heaven
as long as they′ve got cigarettes
as long as they′ve got cigarettes in hell

(c) oasis

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