Sonic Syndicate - Aftermath (текст песни)

the walls are moving closer now
can you feel it, can you feel it?
you are not saved until you see the dawn
set my eden on fire now
you did it, you did it
smoked out my soul once and for all i′m coming home tonight
can we make it right?
or twist the dagger in my back
you lit the fires in me that i never thought i had
now it′s nothing but a memory...

be patient, someday this pain will be useful to you
be patient, someday this pain will settle deep in you

the helix is shattered now
you broke it
the destruction of my entire essence
drink the nectars of the shadow flower now
and sit back as it reaches for your heart

deep in you
in the excavation of my human heart i found something
something that i never knew existed...

(c) sonic syndicate

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