Sonic Syndicate - Denied (текст песни)

there is nothing left for me
there is nothing left for you
there is nothing left at all
a wasteland of my mind
don′t think you ever will see
don′t think you ever will know
how much i actually cared
about everything we shared
why the fuck did you lie then?
why in hell did you bring me down?
don′t you realize?
no one gets out of this place alive hasn′t bin screaming all these years
just to see the world crashing around me
maybe this life is overrated
but i won′t let the world burn around me

a situation like this should never exist
then why are we out of control
i see smoke from the eden fire
watch it going higher and higher

you pulled me up from the dream
let′s compare scars you and i
you are always on my mind
i will never leave you behind
you broke my engagement to
solitude, and made me threw away
the ring of retaliation

(c) sonic syndicate

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