Sonic Youth - Disconnection Notice (текст песни)


did you get your disconnection notice?
mine came in the mail today
they seem to think i′m disconnected
don′t think i know what to read or write or say
glossaries injected daily
words and numbers spell out the price to pay
it simply states "you′re disconnected baby"
see how easily it all slips away

this is no direction
prepare for the city
angels turn on heaven′s light

hurry up, the stage awaits you
don′t forget to memorize your lines
can you hear them congratulate you?
out of step just can′t find the time
will we pass thru undetected?
everything′s right here inside our file
you′re not so free to be so unprotected
a secret mona lisa hides behind her smile

this is no direction
prepare for the city
angels turn on heaven′s light

did you get your disconnection notice?
mine came in the mail today
they seem to think i′m disconnected
don′t think i know what to read or write or say
glossaries injected daily
words and numbers spell out the price to pay
it simply states "you′re disconnected baby"

(c) sonic youth

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