Sonic Youth - Helen Lundeberg (текст песни)

helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, five decades of paint.
helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, four expressions of elegance, elegance.

blue river, open door,
landscape white and orange.
daybreak by the sea,
a narrow view sloping horizon.
marina, the poet′s road.
sundial cimerrian landscape,
a quiet place, moon, sea and mist.
desert road tree in the marsh,
biological fantasy,
ocean view, water map,
ambiguity estuary.

helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, five decades of paint.
helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, four expressions of elegance, elegance.

blue river, open door,
landscape white and orange.
daybreak by the sea,
a narrow view sloping horizon.
marina, the poet′s road.
sundial cimerrian landscape,
a quiet place, moon, sea and mist.
desert road tree in the marsh,
biological fantasy,
ocean view, water map,
ambiguity estuary.

helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, five decades of paint.
helen lundeberg...
illusory landscape, four expressions of elegance, elegance.

(c) sonic youth

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