Sophie Ellis Bextor - Groovejet (текст песни)

holding you closer
it′s time that i told you
everything′s going to be fine
know that you′re leaving
and try to belive it
take me one step at a time

if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?
if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?

think of tomorrow
we beg, steal or borrow
to make all we can in the sun
while we are moving
the music is soothing
troubles we all have begun

if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?
if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?

will you remember me boy?
remember me
boy will ya?

just for this lifetime
you can be my past time
here are the rules of our play
in it together
till i know you better
darling, darling
what do you say?

if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?
if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?
if this ain′t love
why does it feel so good?

(c) sophie ellis bextor

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