Sophie Ellis Bextor - Off And On (текст песни)

now i can′t get out
i′m trapped inside of it
i won′t let go
pain keeps driving it, i
i only hope and pray
that i can make you pay
keep pushing, keep
i keep pushin′ on

i did the best i could
i learned to sacrifice
i′ve got to make it work
this time away has done me good
it′s a change from you

keep switching me off and on and off and on and off
i′ve put myself back together
you′ve been gone too long beyond, the love is gone
you thought i could feel forever
keep switching me off and on and off and on and off
i′ve put myself back together
you′ve been gone too long beyond, the love is gone
i′ve got my life back together

no, i can′t turn back
i′m sick and tired of it
the love broke down
i′ve rewired it
i′m only human, babe
you let the feeling fade
keep pushing
till i′ve reached the other ground

i′ve tried to make it right
when every door was closed
your love is all i had
i tried to make an honest man, o-o-oh
i refuse

wired to the sun like a laser beam
power serge, come feel the energy
and i′m letting it shine again

keep switching me off and on and off and on and off
i′ve put myself back together
you′ve been gone too long beyond, the love is gone
you thought i could feel forever
keep switching me off and on and off and on and off
i′ve put myself back together
you′ve been gone too long beyond, the love is gone
i′ve got my life back together

(c) sophie ellis bextor

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