Trail Of Tears - Bloodstained Endurance (текст песни)

well, it turns out to be
a simple behavior of ignorant disloyalty
now tell me!

protest all life in lack of connection
challenge the soul on the eve of despair
i might be black from grief yet i am white at heart
my bloodstained endurance will set me apart

deception grows and malice continues
descend with pride, to pleasure your needs
deny your thoughts, unbreakable silence
you′re nothing more...
a pitiful, ignorant, devious, meaningless fool

feel your fatal deceit
the consequence rages straight through your face of disgrace
just take it!

protest all life...

deception grows and malice continues
descend with pride, to pleasure your needs
deny your thoughts, unbreakable silence
you′re nothing more...
a pitiful, ignorant, devious, meaningless fool

(c) trail of tears

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