Trail Of Tears - Faith Comes Knocking (текст песни)

embraced by lies too many times
in the past i have stalked the shadows
led by both misery and strength
even still sought refuge from myself

leave the past behind as faith comes to greet you continue
take a step towards a prosperous life
there′s no time to waste
the future is still with you
returns to the place where dreams completely come to life

how many chapters of self contempt
must rise and surface violently
how many dreams must disappear
and shatter straight in front of me

leave the past behind as faith comes to greet you continue
take a step towards a prosperous life
there′s no time to waste
the future is still with you
returns to the place where dreams completely come to life

how many chapters of self contempt
must rise and surface violently
how many dreams must disappear
and shatter straight in front of me

i am still stuck inside this box with you
we used to be many but now we′re only two
the problem is that i′m so tired of you
i′m sorry to say, now it′s goodbye to you

(c) trail of tears

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