Trapt - Black Rose (текст песни)

i saw you in the garden i wanted you so much
i really thought that you were different oh i couldn′t get enough
i tried to save you from yourself i felt every high and low
now the lows have drowned the highs away now there′s no where else to go

black rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last time
black rose i saw your petals wilt away i couldn′t bring you back to life

you were always where the sun could never go
i never wanted you to have to be alone
but i couldn′t find a way to help you grow
black rose

you never tell me how you feel and your moods they always change
i really tried to make it real but you never had the faith
i tried to give you something good to take the pain away
i tried to make you understand you don′t have to be this way



i′m not the one who hurt you so why are you so scared
(i couldn′t save you) (you are who you are)
all that you′ve been put through couldn′t be repaired
(i couldn′t break through) (we′re too far apart)
i′m not the one who hurt i′m the only one who cares
(i couldn′t save you) (you are who you are)
you′ll need someone to turn to and i will not be there
(i couldn′t save you)

everytime i held you i knew that it would hurt
only through the pain i could find a way to learn


so wilt away couldn′t bring you back to life


i′m not the one who hurt you so why are you so scared
(i couldn′t save you) (you are who you are)
all that you′ve been put through couldn′t be repaired
(i couldn′t break through) (we′re too far apart)
i′m not the one who hurt i′m the only one who cares
(i couldn′t save you) (you are who you are)
you′ll need someone to turn to and i will not be there
(i couldn′t save you)

(c) trapt

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