Trapt - Disconnected (Out Of Touch) (текст песни)

you never listen to me,
you cannot look me in the eyes.
i have struggled to see
why its so easy to push me aside....

i no longer believe,
that you were ever on my side.
how could you know what i need,
when i′m the last thing on your mind...

too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you

so disconnected, going through the motions again
so disconnected, everything goes over your head
so disconnected, you got me hangin by a thread
so disconnected, when will this cycle end?

you dont really know me,
i dont think you ever even tried
we′re on the same routine
where you say you never have the time

what do you want me to be?
do you want me in your life?
i feel so incomplete
you left me to fall behind

too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you

so disconnected, going through the motions again
so disconnected, everything goes over your head
so disconnected, you got me hangin by a thread
so disconnected, when will this cycle end?

its too hard to just move on
its easier said then done
its too hard to just move on
its easier said then done

too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you
too out of touch, out of touch to touch you

so disconnected, going through the motions again
so disconnected, everything goes over your head
so disconnected, you got me hangin by a thread
so disconnected, when will this cycle end?

so disconnected, going through the motions again
so disconnected
when will this cycle end

so disconnected
so disconnected
when will this cycle end?

(c) trapt

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